Humility covered in paint

Lance Brown Brown speed painter

The best compliment I can ever receive has nothing to do with my artistic abilities and talent for art. I appreciate each person that tells me how talented I am and how much they enjoyed my art, but the one comment that hits me in the heart is when people thank me for my humility. I want to remain humble at all times and never lose that. I'm not perfect so there have been times when pride creeps in. I try to prevent that as much as possible, remembering one of my favorite verses: Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”


My humility is very important to me and I’ve had people book me because they said that they could feel my humility just from watching my videos on youtube. Wow… I praise God for that. I always want to be approachable and treat everyone as I want to be treated, just as a normal person. I want everyone to know that I’m no different from the next guy. God has blessed me with a wonderful talent, but the power comes from trusting God’s plan for my life and stepping out in faith to proclaim His goodness where ever He leads me. 


I want to always remain obedient and be that humble servant that He asks us all to be. Everyone should know that they can do what I’m doing. Maybe not the art… but if I can stand up on stage in front of 100s and thousands of people and share God’s goodness, then anyone can. I used to have a paralyzing fear of public speaking and God has taken that fear away. This seemed so impossible when I first started speaking and sharing my testimony. I would start shaking and sweating, forget what I was supposed to say and my voice would crack and I was just a big mess. He has completely transformed me and equipped me for the job He has for me. He provides everything I need to glorify Him with the gifts He has given to me. I just have to remain humble and willing. Amen

Lance Brown