Doodle On... Bible Sketch

Click the photo above to ZOOM and see the entire picture.

Click the photo above to ZOOM and see the entire picture.

In art school I was encouraged to doodle during class. That was great for me because I am such a visual learner. As I was taking notes, I would doodle pictures of the subject we were talking about and it helped me to remember what I was learning. 


A while back I saw a piece of art that inspired me to doodle this sketch of the bible stories we all know and love. I tried to include as many stories as possible and create a piece of art that you could look at and enjoy for hours. You could look at it from day to day and always see something new that you hadn’t seen before.


On the left side you’ll see the old testament and the new testament is on the right side. I hope you’ll enjoy this piece of art as much I did creating it. Can you find your favorite bible story?

Lance Brown