Jesus is the Reason

As my family and I were driving home from a performance one weekend, we stopped in a diner for lunch. After the waitress took our order, she came back by the table and said, "I just want you to know that you're an inspiration to everyone here." 

Puzzled at this comment, I asked, “Why?” 

She said, "We don't see many families come in here with a mom, dad and kids—really we never see any—and you all look so happy and it's a blessing to see.” 

We thanked her for the compliment, and she walked away.
We then explained to the kids why she would say something like that.
I told them, “The reason our family is blessed is because we value our relationship with Jesus and put Him first in our lives. And Mom and Dad love each other very much and work hard to keep our relationship strong and take care of you. Other people see our joy and they want that joy too. We have to thank Jesus for this blessing and always remember how special this family is." 

As I paid the check and got ready to leave, I left the waitress a big tip to bless her, and I wrote her a note on the back of the receipt: "Jesus Christ is the reason our family is blessed. Thank you for your sweet words. God bless you." 


Lance Brown