Peace Lutheran Church

This was my first Lutheran service ever and I wasn’t really sure what to expect as far as the formal/contemporary worship service. I was pleasantly surprised when I was told that I had 30 minutes to do whatever I pleased with the 3 paintings and my testimony. I painted Forgiven, Holy Spirit and Bible Light my Path. I created bible just for this event because they wanted me to create a theme for the 3 Solas “Scripture, Faith, Grace” It was very well received and I sold out of Bible photo prints and the original painting after the service! This event came on the heels of a 2 week break and I hadn’t performed or shared my testimony since then so I was a bit nervous knocking off the cobwebs. But it went great and I received some awesome feedback.

Lutheran Church Speed Painting


While speaking with the people afterwards I met a lady in her early 50s and she told me that she used to do pottery and small sculptures. She had a dream once that she was on stage with a potter’s wheel and sharing a message with the corresponding scriptures. But she never pursued it. Then she said that I inspired her today. With tears in her eyes she told me “ I don’t know what I’m going to do with it but you inspired me today to take action and begin praying for direction. “ I love hearing things like this. God’s people are so supportive everywhere I go. Several people came up to me and handed me cash just to support my ministry and said they were proud of the way I was using my talent for the Lord.