Christian Painters Live Performance Speed Paintings

Christian Painter

I am so blessed to be one of a select few professional Christian painters that are using their gifts to glorify God and reach thousands with the “Good News” of salvation only found in Jesus Christ. Yes… there are others out there that do what I do but i try to set myself apart from the rest by charging much less than my peers. I may not be the lowest price out there… There’s no way for me to know for sure… but I DO KNOW that I am not one of the highest prices! LOL. As a Christian speed painter I want to reach as many people as possible so that God can use me everywhere. I don’t want money to be the reason that prevents me from doing God’s work.

Christian Painter Lance Brown performing with music

Christian Painter Lance Brown performing with music

I want to serve Him and provide for my family….that’s it…. and so far that is what I’ve been able to do with God’s anointing on this ministry. God solidifies and confirms that I’m living out my purpose every time I step on the stage. I get to speak to people after the event and it’s such a rewarding and humbling experience to see how the painting and/or my faith story has affected them personally. That, to me, is such a bonus. I am filled to overflowing with thanksgiving when I see someone that comes up to me crying tears of joy because they just experienced another level of worship that doesn’t happen very often.

It’s so wonderful how he’s using me as a Christian Painter with music doing live performances in a secular world. I pray that he would continue to provide and allow me the opportunities to share the gift of speed painting that he has given me all across the USA and other countries. Amen!